Get Involved

Get Involved

Help us with this noble effort

Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day. 1 billion children worldwide are living in poverty. According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty.

If you have enough food on your plate and enough money to spend on whatever you like, you are better than half the people in the world. Share your blessings and join hands with us to save lives.

Donate now and see it ripen in a better world.

Use your skills for something more than just money

You can be a good writer, a web developer, a graphic designer, a statistician, a community mobilizer, a video producer, or may possess any other skill….you can volunteer for us.

We shall be more than happy to give you this opportunity to become a part of our global team of volunteers where you can donate your time and effort and skill and make a difference to thousands of lives that are in dire need out there.

Join our volunteer group today and give back to the community.



You can be a part of this global effort

Contribute to a better future by donating money

You can help change the world by donating some money. Every dollar donated is a valued amount and we make sure that your hard-earned money is spent in the best possible manner. We collect donations and build programs, channels, and systems to ensure they reach the most deserving of people. Every donation is recorded and receipted and we keep a record of every dollar spent for the sake of transparency.

Make a difference by donating some time

Not only can you be a part of this effort by donating money, but you can also contribute in-kind, buy donating some time. Your skills might come in handy for us. Become a volunteer and contribute with your skill, time, and effort to shape a better tomorrow for the children who have no other chance. Remember, you are the hope for millions of people who might otherwise go to bed on an empty stomach.